Add/Edit/Archive/Re-activate a department Follow
Included in this article
You will need your Client site name, username, and password to successfully log in. Reach out to the primary Master Console Administrator for your account regarding this information.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The punch rounding rules will apply to all punches, including breaks and lunches. If this is not appropriate for your organization, you may wish to disable this feature. It is your responsibility to comply with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations.
Add a new department
- Log in to the intended Client Account.
- Click the Departments option from the navigation bar on the left side of the window.
- Click the Add icon.
- Enter/Select the intended details on the Overview page, clicking the Arrow button to proceed when finished.
- Department name - Used to identify the department in the portal and on reports
- Department code - Used to identify the department in the portal and on reports
- Status - Reflects the active status of the department
- Punch rounding - Rounds the in and out punch times when calculating total hours worked
- Day change - The time at which a new workday begins
- Work through day change - Allows out punches after the day change time
- Timecard approvals - Determines which roles are required to approve the timecards and allows you to enter a custom message regarding approvals
- Enter/Select the intended details on the Break Management page, clicking the Arrow button to proceed when finished.
- Rest rules - If employees are required to punch for rest breaks, you can configure the amount of paid rest time and apply a timed lockout as needed.
- Enter/Select the intended details on the next Break Management page, clicking the Arrow button to proceed when finished.
- Meal rules - You can configure options for paid or unpaid lunch breaks that occur automatically or that employees punch in and out for, with or without a timed lockout.
- Enter/Select the intended details on the Overtime page, clicking the Arrow button to proceed when finished.
- Weekly/Bi-weekly overtime - Hours over this threshold are applied to the overtime (OT1) pay code
- Daily overtime - Hours over this threshold are applied to the selected overtime pay code
- 7th Day Overtime - Hours worked on the 7th consecutive day worked, within the same workweek, are applied to the overtime (OT1) pay code
- Saturday/Sunday Overtime - Applicable hours are applied to the selected overtime pay code
- Enter/Select the intended details on the Punch Rules page, clicking the SAVE button when finished.
- Schedule settings - Punches occurring within the start or end zone will be replaced with the start or end time on the timecard and when performing calculations for total hours worked.
- Lockout settings - Punches will not be recorded before or after the lockout times. Employees will receive a lockout message if attempted.
Edit/Archive/Re-activate a department
- Log in to the intended Client Account.
- Click the Departments option from the navigation bar on the left side of the window.
- Click the Search icon and enter the intended department name to display their information.
- Click the Sort/Filter button, select a sorting option (A-Z, Z-A), and/or select one of the status options (Active, Archived) as needed.
- Click the EDIT button for the intended department.
- Enter/Select the intended details on the Overview page, before clicking the Arrow button to proceed when finished.
- To archive/re-activate the user, select the Archived/Active option for the Status setting.
- Enter/Select the intended details on the Overview page, clicking the Arrow button to proceed when finished.
- Enter/Select the intended details on the Break Management page, clicking the Arrow button to proceed when finished.
- Enter/Select the intended details on the next Break Management page, clicking the Arrow button to proceed when finished.
- Enter/Select the intended details on the Overtime page, clicking the Arrow button to proceed when finished.
- Enter/Select the intended details on the Punch Rules page, clicking the SAVE button when finished.