Clients Follow
Included in this article
You will need your Company site name, username, and password to successfully log in. Reach out to the primary Master Console Administrator for your account regarding this information.
View a Client
- Log in to the Master Console for your account.
- Click the Clients option from the navigation bar on the left side of the window.
- Click the Search icon and enter the intended Client to display their information.
- Click the Filter icon and select one of the status options (All, Active, Archived) to display their information.
Edit a Client
- Log in to the Master Console for your account.
- Click the Clients option from the navigation bar on the left side of the window.
- Click the expand arrow and then the EDIT button for the intended Client.
- Enter the intended Client Name and Client Site Name.
- Select the intended Status option (Active, Archived).
- Click the SAVE button.
Login to a Client
- Log in to the Master Console for your account.
- Click the Clients option from the navigation bar on the left side of the window.
- Click the Login As button.
- Select the intended user from the selected client account to log in as.
- Alternatively, you can click the Site Name for the intended client account and access the account with a valid username and password.
Add a new Client
- Log in to the Master Console for your account.
- Click the Clients option from the navigation bar on the left side of the window.
- Click the Add icon.
- Enter the intended details on the Client Information page, clicking the arrow to proceed when finished. (Note that the Client Site Name is different than the Company Site Name! Client users will log in with the Client Site.)
- Select the intended option (Buy Now, Buy Later) on the Buy Timeclocks page.
- Select the intended timeclock(s) on the Assign Time Clocks page to assign to the new Client, clicking the arrow to proceed when finished. (You can proceed without adding a timeclock to the client account.)
- Carefully review all the information on the Review page before clicking the CREATE button to finish adding the new client account to your uAttend Staffing Master Console.